Jen Dockter
Department: Board
Term 1: 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2024
Term 2: 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2027
Get to Know Jen!
Why do you believe in the Jamestown/Stutsman County Development Corporation?
JSDC is an amazing asset to our community. JSDC is always on board to look for new ways to improve our community and businesses. The programs they offer to assist the community and businesses is phenomenal.
Why did you want to serve on the JSDC Board of Directors?
This is my first year on the Board of Directors. When I was reached out to personally to consider serving on the board, I believed it would be an honor being part of a great organization.
What are the benefits of living and/or working in Stutsman County?
There great ideas and benefits the JSDC organization brings to the community. My business personally has received benefits from JSDC and I am very grateful for the opportunities to utilize those benefits.